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Plasma skin tightening – also known as Fibroblast – is the only cosmetic treatment to use plasma to reduce the volume of excess skin. Low risk, minimal downtime and more affordable than surgery. Fibroblast Treatment is known for it’s success with:
Non Surgical Eye Lifts
Tummy Tightening
Neck Tightening and so much more.
The term “Soft Surgery” is used to describe the treatment because it delivers results similar to surgery, with no scalpel, stitches or bandages and minimal downtime. A minimally invasive procedure with much lower risk and at a more affordable price than actual surgery.
Fibroblast is a relatively new innovation in the beauty industry in North America but it has been used for a number of years in Europe. The extremely accurate hand held device works by utilising the voltage in the air between its tip and the natural gasses emitted from our skin, to form a plasma charge. A small electrical arc is created and instantly shrinks the targeted skin. The tissues retract and tighten giving you more youthful looking skin.
Fibroblast is able to treat a number of imperfections without any actual cutting of the skin. It can be used for:
Eyelid Tightening, including under eyes and excess upper eyelid skin
Crow’s feet and frown lines
Naso-labial lines
Smoker’s lines on upper lip
Jowls and neck tightening
Loose tummy skin after giving birth
As Fibroblast is more than a simple tightening treatment (skin volume is actually reduced), the effects should last as long as they would with invasive surgery. Like all surgical and cosmetic procedures, the effects of Fibroblast are not entirely permanent as it does not stop any further ageing, but the positive results should last years depending on the area treated.
The positive effects of treatment will be noticeable immediately after the first treatment, but the final results will be seen after 8 weeks. For some, an additional treatment may be required after 8 weeks for maximum results. Additionally, there are lifestyle factors that can prevent the results from lasting as long as they can – such as smoking, alcohol consumption and prolonged sun exposure.
On the treatment day, it is recommended that no make-up is worn on the treatment area. You may take an anti-histamine 60 minutes prior to your appointment to help with swelling and continue to take anti-histamines for 2-3 days following your appointment.
A numbing agent is applied and left to take effect for up to 45 minutes. When the treatment area is sufficiently numb, the session begins with multiple connections of the plasma tip, spaced closely together. You may feel some heat in the treatment area, which may be slightly uncomfortable and slightly irritating but not painful.
Immediately after treatment the area may be red and mildly swollen with small carbon crusts (spots).
You may experience a sensation similar to a sun burn which will likely last a few hours. Swelling may intensify over the following few hours and more so when eyes are treated, this may last 2-3 days.
The carbon crusts will lift within 5 -10 days depending on the individual and also on the area treated. Results gradually improve over the course of the following 12 weeks.
Fibroblast has been shown to be a safe treatment due to its non-invasive nature when done by a fully certified technician. The majority of clients are still likely to experience some minor side effects in the 7-10 days following treatment.
There will be small carbon crusts (little polkadots) in the treated area that will last 7-10 days before naturally lifting, revealing new pink skin beneath. Swelling in the eye area is to be expected for a few days following an upper eyelid treatment.
To avoid any more serious side effects such as hyperpigmentation, follow the aftercare recommendations given to you by your technician.
The number of treatments required will vary according to the area being treated, your skin’s laxicity, the desired degree of correction and the individual’s response to the treatment. Most clients see results instantly and this continues to improve over the course of the following 12 weeks. Further treatments can be carried out to get better results, although it is uncommon to require more than two treatments. Appointments must be spaced out by 8 weeks.
Fibroblast Treatment is certainly more affordable than cosmetic surgery and the prices of treatment depends on the area treated. For pricing, send through areas that need treating as it depends on size of area and number of treatments. The more areas done in the same session, the larger the discount you will receive.
Contact us to discuss in more detail.
The client should be in good health at the time of the appointment, with no pre-existing health conditions.
Client’s skin should not be inflamed in the area we are treating prior to procedure.
Clients prone to keloid scars are not ideal candidates.
Clients with diabetes, healing disorders or lymphatic draining issues should not undergo treatment.
Clients with a sunburn/suntan should postpone treatment.
Clients who have a history of Hyperpigmentation / Hypopigmentation are not ideal candidates.
The client must not display herpes simplex (cold sores when working in the lip area) It is recommended they consult with their medical doctor first.
If the client wears a pacemaker avoid treatment with electrical arcing.
Clients who are pregnant or breastfeeding are not ideal candidates.
Clients should have eyelash extensions REMOVED prior to treatment.
This treatment is only recommended on Fitzpatrick Scales 1-3.
Fibroblast Treatment is not advised for those with very dark skin. This is because there is a higher risk of hyperpigmentation (dark spots) or hypopigmentation (light spots) following treatment.
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Get in touch today to book your treatment. Start your skincare journey with us. We look forward to meeting you in the salon.
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